Find Lost Super

With billions of dollars in unclaimed superannuation, it's essential to ensure you're not missing out on funds that rightfully belong to you. At Creative Super, our goal is to assist you in locating and reclaiming any lost or unclaimed superannuation, increasing your retirement funds, and ensuring your peace of mind.

Find Your Lost Super!

Our approach to finding lost super includes:

1) Comprehensive search and identification:

We use different search tools and resources, such as the online services provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), to look for any lost or unclaimed super that might be linked to your name and tax file number (TFN).

2) Super account consolidation:

We will help you combine any lost super you may have into your preferred super account. This will make managing your superannuation easier and save you money on fees from having multiple accounts.

3) Ensuring accurate personal details:

We can assist you in updating your personal information in all your super accounts, in order to avoid losing track of your funds in the future. This will help you keep your funds connected and easily manageable.

4) Ongoing support and monitoring:

Our team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your superannuation. We offer continuous support to ensure your super is tracked and aligned with your retirement goals.

5) Educating you on lost super prevention:

We provide tips and guidance to help you keep your superannuation information up-to-date and stay informed about your super fund's performance. This knowledge can help you avoid losing your super in the future.

We can assist you in recovering your lost super and building a stronger financial foundation for a secure and prosperous retirement. Let Creative Super help you achieve this goal.


If you need any help or have questions about our services, don't hesitate to contact us or fill out the short form below. One of our experts will be available to help you as soon as possible.

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